Author Topic: Saudi Arabia Promises Return to Moderate Islam  (Read 297 times)

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Re: Saudi Arabia Promises Return to Moderate Islam
« on: November 08, 2017, 10:53:22 am »
"Moderate" means different things to Westerners, too.  I view the burkas and niqabs as an  "extreme" religious belief.  I base that on the fact that it is not prescribed in the Koran and the harm it causes to women, men and society.

Other Westerners view burkas as a charming and exotic cultural distinction, which must be protected by law from people like me who see it for what it really is - a denigration and oppression of women.  It denigrates even women who do not wear it, as being **** with no modesty.  I don't believe in making it easy for women who want to participate in their own oppression/denigration.

Thats so cute.  Here I can agree with you that ots a tradition steeped in misogyny, but I don't think it gives me the right to impose upon women even more strictures on how they may.or may not dress.  Further, if the issue is misogyny, how does penalizing women solve that problem?   This is something that "people like you" seem unable to address. 

If there were evidence from France or another country that banning burkas reduced spousal abuse and created more.freedom and safety for these women, then maybe it would be worth it.  Unfortunately for Muslim women the world over, wearing or not wearing the burka\hijab is irrelevant to whether they will be abused by their family or by individuals who take it upon themselves to punish women for dressing "incorrectly".  It is a shame that Western media focuses only on stories of women who are punished for not wearing burkas/niqabs and ignores or downplays the opposite.