Author Topic: Global Darkening Crisis  (Read 2141 times)

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Offline waldo

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Re: Global Darkening Crisis
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2018, 01:20:05 pm »
I was going to question the fact that all of these climate alarmists rely on weather changes in inaccessible areas with little or no historical data. Thus we have to take the word of the "scientists" as to the quality of the proxy data. Show me any persistent warming in a major temperate zone city where there is data.

you've already shown your ignorance on this point on the, "other board"... and you've had your azzz handed to you in that regard. Revel in your 'fringe of the fringe view' that surface temperature records and underlying data methodologies are a global conspiracy focused on artificially crafting a global warming meme!

When all else fails, bash Trump, your latest dog whistle.

clearly you don't understand the term and its usage

The point of the unmeetable targets is to trigger the obligation to fund the "Climate Adjustment Fund." This fund funnels money to Third World leaders to help with adjustment to climate change. Does anyone in their right mind think that Kabila, Madura, Castro or Mugabe are going to use the money for constructive purposes?

clearly you don't understand choose not to understand the administrative mechanics of the fund