Author Topic: Climate-Triggered NYC Disaster - New York on Ice, or Real (not faux) Climate Change  (Read 1295 times)

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Offline kimmy

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Sun hits ancient glacier, forms pools & rivers of water that further melt glacier more quickly, therefore AGW doesn't exist?

Not exactly that.  During the ice-age, advancing glaciers could create moraines or ice dams that changed the drainage and could form large lakes. If the volume of water in the lake became too much to be held back, these temporary dams could break and the result was a torrential flood.  I'm not familiar with the specifics of the New York ice-age situation, but in the western US, south of Kim Country, the southern tip of encroaching glaciers blocked rivers and caused a huge lake to form centered around Missoula Montana.  This lake broke through the ice dam, creating a flood of Biblical proportions that had dramatic effects on the landscape of Washington state as it surged towards the ocean.   And then the ice dam gradually reformed... and the whole cycle repeated. Again, and again. Possibly dozens of times.

(Read more here: )

It wasn't the result of sudden melting, it was the result of the interface where the southern end of the glacier started to interfere with lakes and rivers and change drainage patterns.

And no, none of this actually constitutes an argument against AGW.  It reminds us that much of our continent was covered by large glaciers that receded, which is something that most of us learned in elementary school.

Paris - London - New York - Kim City
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