Author Topic: Teaching vs Indoctrination ?  (Read 6150 times)

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Re: Teaching vs Indoctrination ?
« Reply #300 on: February 27, 2018, 08:59:39 am »
From the link:
While there may be individual teachers with the willingness to teach the curriculum according to the guidelines you provided. However, a union representing teachers in Canada's largest province has publicly announced that they want nothing to do with teaching nuanced history and instead prefer radical left revisionism. At what point will you concede that I have good reason to be concerned and that simply pointing to the curriculum that may or may not be followed by individual teachers in BC is not enough to allay those concerns? Are you really going to argue that we have nothing to worry about as long there is one teacher somewhere teaching the material with the balance it deserves?

I disagree with the push to remove historical names from monuments and bars.  On the school issue I am torn a bit because if I were a native kid going to a school called John A MacDonald and learning about the abiuses suffered by my parents and grandparents under his leadership I might be more than a little uncomfortable, just as a Jew might feel uncomfortable attending a school named after Hitler, because some of what Hitler did was good for Germany.  (  On the other hand,  it is part of our history.

In any case, you are calling this radical left revisionism - which is bunk.  They aren't denying that SJAM existed and clearly he will be included in any history taught - so no revision going on.   Nor is the concern of teachers for all their students "radical" - even if you don't happen to like their decision on how to keep students feeling safe.   And you've also said they have refused to teach a nuanced history, apparently based on the fact that you don't like the word "genocide".  The policies of the time were to explicity force native kids to become Christian and to take on White culture.   That you don't want to see this as an attempt at cultural genocide suggests that it's you who wants to revise history to suit your own comfort, rather than the left actually changing history under some nefarious agenda to teach the next generation to be unpatriotic.

Finally, once again you are deciding that people who disagree with you are lesser than you in terms of their love and concern for Canada and Canadians.   Right wingers talk a lot about how they aren't listened to well enough, that disagreement should be respected and not attacked.  Yet here you are, unwilling to give people on the "other side" the respect of believing they are well intentioned, that they are truly motivated by what they believe will be best for Canada or Canadians.  Much as I may disagree with you, and Argus/SJ, I don't for a moment doubt that both of you love Canada and believe that your political ideology is to all of our benefit.   But your belief in your own ideology doesn't make you morally superior and your automatic discounting of "the left" as less moral or ethical than your own is exactly what you accuse the left of doing.   Maybe you should consider being the change you want to see.
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