Author Topic: Meme Culture  (Read 431 times)

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Re: Meme Culture
« on: December 14, 2019, 01:56:54 pm »
I don't know about that but the Boomer OK meme itself is next-level in terms of pure cleverness  :D

I love how angry it seems to make boomers.

"The problem with Millennials is (they don't work hard/they don't want to start at the bottom and work their way up/cell-phones/snowflakes/Facebook/never had to work hard/they don't get paper-routes to earn money/participation awards/they don't go to Applebees/etc etc)"

"Ok boomer"

"What? We were the generation that (protested Vietnam/Woodstock/civil rights movement/women's lib/sex drugs rock and roll/etc etc)"

"Ok boomer"

"You little punk! We were cool! We did great things! Great things! You need to listen up and --"

"Ok boomer"

Yep, it sure seems to get some people riled up.  Some boomer wrote a column in the New York Post about how "boomer" is the new "n-word" and should be banned from Facebook and how awful it is that nobody appreciates what great things they accomplished and how unfair it is that they get blamed for everything from the national debt to the environment.

He got deluged with responses that said "Ok boomer"

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