To me it's weird the same conservatives who complain about kids being coddled, participation trophies, etc etc are the same ones freaking out over pictures of marble wieners or oblique references to s-e-x in books.
It's weird that the same people who want to coddle teens from exams and children from cartoons about police-dogs have no issue exposing pre-teen children to material featuring f-bombs, condoms, sexual references, stone penises, and drag queens, and exposing teenage students to comics featuring dildo blowjobs and
**** sex scenes.
Should parents of pre-teen children have informed consent about exposure to nudity/sex materials or not? Parents typically have to give consent before sex ed in elementary schools, I see no reason not to do it in these cases. Parents of children should decide these things, not woke educators.
Do I think that principal should be fired? I dunno, not really. Did they screw up because they didn't send out consent forms as was usually done? Sure.