The only brand Trudeau has as proven by Lavalin is he is a liar.
remember Rue, the waldo is here for you... particularly to help you with your extreme comprehension difficulties! There are no shortage of threads that allow extreme partisanship to be plied. In your confusion it should be pointed out to you that this is a thread on branding; in this particular case the OP might have been better served to extend the emphasis to party and how the branding of the leader plays into overall party branding... or perhaps only reflects upon the party to varying degrees. Certainly there are avenues to explore in terms of whether branding aspects are proving positive, either personally or to the party proper. If, per the OP as originally focused on leader (vs Party/leader), the brand concept should be one to simultaneously capture personalized and social attachments... not to have your uber-partisan dipshitery showcased in yet another thread!
be better - do better!