Author Topic: Government Day-to-Day  (Read 54217 times)

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Offline Black Dog

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Re: Government Day-to-Day
« Reply #2190 on: June 22, 2022, 10:43:36 am »
Ordinary people make your coffee and flip your Big Mac or change your oil and stock the shelves at your local grocer and all the other stuff that people take for granted.

As wages continue to stagnate while cost of rent and food and gas increase rapidly, the people who do those jobs in your community won't be able to afford to do those jobs in your community for much longer.  This will probably impact Dethbridge later than it will hit Toronto or Vancouver or even Kim City, but it will arrive sooner or later.


The point is raising interest rates will put put more of those people out of work and make it harder for them to pay their already high housing costs along with all the other necessities of life, the prices of which will continue to increase.