Apples and oranges...yet again. The thread is about trophy hunting I might remind you. Inefficiencies in various food production is something else which of course needs to be, and has in many cases been dealt with. The trophy hunters are a shitload more than a couple of people as you try to put it my friend. The people who like to cut the horns off rhino's to get a hard on have damn near wiped out the population. Fishing for food is a whole 'nuther idea. Stop trying to conflate.
I know what the topic is about, it's about you making excuses on one hand your disgusted about a FEW hunters, a few Hundred hunters or a few thousand hunters, who the
**** cares....those numbers do not or will not compare to the damage done to our wild life resources by man greed , whether he is over using the resource for greed...or pumping their environment full of pollutants, or cutting it down for in most cases nothing more than greed.......and on the other hand your saying it's ok as long as in pursuit of food....or it has been dealt with....ya right....if you say so....
And if you think that all these problems with our declining numbers of wild life, that's in all categories be it fish, fur bearing animals , whales, birds and you can point your finger to these small group of hunters and say they and they alone are responsible for the misuse of our natural wild life resources....well sir i am calling bullshit......If you want to blame something blame OUR greed....and until we change that , those resources will be driven into the ground....much like what is happening in a lot of New Brunswick where deer are scarce , or salmon in the miramichi river are down by over 75 %, what about polar bears up north, whales in the st lawrence, i know
**** trophy hunters.....get a grip............Thats all got to do with greed and mismanagement....not trophy hunters...The problem is we don't care because it does not effect our daily lives....and yet some how.... a few guys out trophy hunting disgusts us.....maybe you should follow a factory ship when it brings ups its nets, and starts sorting fish....or ask a fishermen what happens to all the other species of fish the catch when dragging..., that does not pay well....